Press Release: The Supreme Court Judgement on Financial Autonomy for LGAs, a Clarion Call for Transparent & Accountable System

The landmark decision by the Supreme Court which grants financial autonomy to Local Government Areas (LGAs) across Nigeria is commendable, and a significant step towards fiscal federalism. This move to empower LGAs to manage their financial resources independently will not only bring governance closer to the local people but also deliver democratic dividends.

The Center for Fiscal Transparency and Public Integrity (CeFTPI) recognizes that financial autonomy for LGAs will also enhance service delivery, and directly place the responsibility of accounting for allocations on elected chairmen across the 774 LGAs.

While we continue to celebrate this judicial milestone, the Center remains deeply concerned about the current state of transparency and accountability within local government system. For instance, from our assessment of the 774 LGAs in the Transparency and Integrity Index (TII) report of 2023, it was found that only seven (7) of the 774 LGAs in Nigeria have functional websites to display their activities. This stark reality highlights a major gap in the infrastructure necessary for ensuring transparency and public accountability in the local government system.

Without doubt, digitizing the governance process, with the first step being functional websites, is critical for transparency and accountability. Access to information which is possible when local government administrators proactively disclose governance information such as financial reports, budget allocations, and project updates, will promote citizens’ engagement and accountability.

Stakeholders should therefore be concerned about the absence of transparency and accountability measures capable of undermining the very essence of financial autonomy, so as not to empower new 774 corrupt and opaque entities.

The Center remains committed to working with stakeholders to improve fiscal integrity and transparency throughout Nigeria. We believe that the move for financial autonomy will benefit greater number if local government administrators can embrace and entrench transparency and accountability measures in their operations.


Victor Agi

Public Relations Lead

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