HUMAN TRAFFICKING: WOTCLEF Alerts Migrants on Organ Harvest.

Nigerians have been alerted on the rising cases of organ harvest in parts of the world by the Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation.

The Executive Director of the foundation Imabong Sanusi, issued the alert in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria on Wednesday in Abuja. He advised young Nigerians to avoid irregular migration in order not to fall victims of human trafficking so that they will not fall prey of the organ harvest syndicate. She enjoined migrants to also heed to the advice and guidance of the UN International Organisation for Migration on how to avoid falling prey of the effects of irregular migration.

In addition, she stated that Human trafficking is evil and we can only stop it if we make an issue out of it and report suspicious movements to the authorities.

Apart from forced labour and sexual exploitation, some Nigerians are now trafficked for organ harvesting, slave trade and for ritual purposes. She advised parents and guardians to show increased attention to the movements of their children and wards.

She said that human traffickers now come in form of fake travel agencies promising lucrative foreign jobs or scholarships to their victims.

She noted that there were varied costs attached to various body organs in parts of the world where the trade was prominent.

She urged parents and guardians to monitor the movements of their children and wards so that they do not fall victims.



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