CHILD TRAFFICKING: Vigilante Group Nabs Suspected Chid Traffickers in Ebonyi

Women and girls are victims of domestic servitude and sex trafficking, and boys are victims of forced and bonded labor in street vending, domestic service, mining, stone quarrying, agriculture, textile manufacturing, and begging. The government estimates as many as 9.5 million young boys studying in Quranic schools, commonly known as Almajiri, are subjected to forced begging. Traffickers operate baby factories often disguised as orphanages, maternity homes, or religious centers where traffickers hold women against their will, rape them, and force them to carry and deliver a child. The traffickers sell the children, sometimes with the intent to exploit them in forced labor and sex trafficking. The Center for Counter Fraud Awareness (CCFA) is committed to raising awareness through its Preventive Programme for Schools Initiative where schools are visited and children and youths are exposed to the dangers associated with child trafficking.

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